s me want to come to you, little brother. Got a job. With a great talent like you in charge, your studio will definitely become famous in mainland China, and even Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in less than two years. “

s me want to come to you, little brother. Got a job. With a great talent like you in charge, your studio will definitely become famous in mainland China, and even Hong Kong, Macao and Taiwan in less than two years. ”
Of course this was a joke by the other party, but to Wang Bo’s ears, it also made him a little complacent and arrogant. Wang Bo waved his hand and said boldly: “Sister Xi, as long as you are willing to come to the mainland and submit, I will give it to you. 10% shares of the new company! ”
Huo Wenxi was immediately stunned by these words, but soon she shook her head with a wry smile and said, “Brother, I wish I had met you a year earlier. Now that Sister Xi has signed the contract of betrayal, she can’t escape!
” It’s still a joke or social rhetoric, but Wang Bo won’t take it seriously. As a senior executive of Yinghuang Entertainment, a new company in the Hong Kong entertainment industry that was established last year, how could the other party go to the mainland and settle for an entertainment studio that has not even opened yet?
The four of them stayed at the bar until about eleven o’clock. Considering that the three women around him had to go to work tomorrow, Wang Bo asked Huo Wenxi to find him a hotel. He would take a taxi from the hotel to the airport early tomorrow morning.
But Huo Wenxi waved his hand and said which hotel he was going to. He would stay at her house tonight and she would arrange a company car to take him directly to the airport tomorrow. Wang Bo was stunned and quickly refused, but Huo Wenxi couldn’t help but said that if his younger brother stayed in a hotel in Hong Kong, wouldn’t that be a slap in the face to her older sister? No matter what, I have to stay at her house tonight!
Seeing that he couldn’t shirk it, Wang Bo asked, would it be inconvenient for him to go to Huo Wenxi’s home?
Huo Wenxi was stunned for a moment, then understood quickly, smiled, glanced at Wang Bo sideways, and said, “What’s wrong? Don’t think too much, your sister Xi is still single now.” That’s how the
accommodation matter was settled. .
Next, the four of them took a nanny car to the staff dormitory rented by the company for artists where Zhong Tong and Cai Yan lived. After the two got out of the car, the driver turned the steering wheel and started driving towards Huo Wenxi’s home.
Huo Wenxi’s home is in the same Wan Chai District as the headquarters of Yinghuang Entertainment, about 20 minutes’ drive from the company, and is located in an independent high-rise apartment building. The area is not large, more than 400 feet, which is more than 40 square meters. It is a one-bedroom and one-living room. Although the house is small, in a place like Hong Kong where land is at a premium and it is located in a luxurious area, the price is extremely astonishing. Huo Wenxi spent more than ten years of hard work in his youth, and all he got in exchange for this apartment was the apartment he just bought.
/Wang Bo followed Huo Wenxi and entered the elevator of the apartment. Huo Wenxi raise