ter I go to the Imperial Capital, I will deactivate my original mobile phone number. As for the new mobile phone number and dormitory landline number, I was wondering whether I should tell you.

ter I go to the Imperial Capital, I will deactivate my original mobile phone number. As for the new mobile phone number and dormitory landline number, I was wondering whether I should tell you.
“Should I tell you or not? I’m a little unsure. Anyway, let’s talk about it when the time comes.
“It’s going to be a new environment soon. I don’t know what kind of situation I will face in the future.
“I’m really looking forward to it!
” Finally, please don’t forget to say sorry to Xiaoya for me. When lovers finally get married, this is the best blessing for love. Zian, let me give it to you and Xiaoya. I sincerely hope you can get back together. ”
“Always love you Lili.
“September 5, 2001.”
Liang Ya panted slightly, her chest rising and falling. She held back the excitement in her heart, stared at Wang Bo, and asked tentatively: “Xiao Bo, is Sun Sunli here with you?”
The sun sets, and then the sunset. Finally, even the sunset fell into the western sky. Night begins to fall.
When night fell, Zeng Ping called and said that his godmother had cooked dinner and asked him if he would come home for dinner. Wang Bo opened his mouth into the microphone, and after a while, he struggled to say two words, “No.”
The sky outside was completely dark, and the windows of the surrounding neighbors lit up their lights one after another, starting their own nightlife.
Sun Li left him when he was in high spirits and was about to drive his BMW to Shuangqing.
Memories of the past come flooding back.
Later, because of the rehearsal program, he had contact with each other many times, but at that time, he was focused on pursuing and pleasing Liang Ya from Class 9. However, he also had trouble with Sun Li, the most beautiful girl in the class. There wasn’t much attention until the summer that was about to end a year ago.
“Wang Bo, I like you.”
“Today, I don’t want to wait, nor do I want to hesitate or think about it anymore. I just want to tell you: Wang Bo, I really like you, whether you accept me or not.”
By that river On the grassy slope, the girl looked directly into his eyes with tears streaming down her face.
This girl who was one of the best among the four became his girlfriend, underground. They began to communicate secretly. The girl often came to his house to see him, and every time she came she would bring him some delicious food. After arriving at his house, he didn’t treat himself as a guest. He wiped the table and mopped the floor, whatever work he had to do. After the initial period of discomfort, he took this as a matter of course, without realizing it, and did not think about it at all. Sun Li, like him, had to stretch out his hands for clothes and open his mouth for food, and rarely did any work at home.
ck, levis, guess, replay, and boss girls put brands on his body that he had only seen before but never worn before, and his class and taste in clothes began to improve accordingly.
/Countless memories passed through Wang Bo’s mind with incomparable clarity on this lightless night. It’s a pity that t