s-in-law and brothers-in-law were just surprised at first when they saw the sets of cosmetics that Wang Bo launched, now they are completely shocked, and they are a little bit burnt inside and out:

s-in-law and brothers-in-law were just surprised at first when they saw the sets of cosmetics that Wang Bo launched, now they are completely shocked, and they are a little bit burnt inside and out:
/Damn, in Shanghai Buying a house in the city center? And do you buy several sets at a time? That’s three to four thousand, four to five thousand per square meter, a house worth hundreds of thousands? Are you buying four or five sets as cabbage? ! !
/Moreover, what is the point of holding a book signing event in Shanghai Bookstore?
For a time, in addition to the extreme shock, there were also countless doubts running through the minds of Cheng Wenjin’s brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, and brothers-in-law.
After listening to Wang Bo’s words, and then looking at the shock and confusion on the faces of his brothers, sisters, sisters-in-law, and brothers-in-law, Cheng Wenjin, who was exquisite and thoughtful, immediately understood the intention of this little ghost Wang, and looked at him with a mixture of “helplessness” and warmth. He glanced at his brother, sister-in-law, sister-in-law and brothers-in-law and said,
huge private room became silent for a while, with only Cheng Wenjin’s gentle voice remaining. The sound echoed in the private room, shaking the hearts of one after another who were shocked and inexplicable.
“I’m sorry, I forgot to tell you in detail. In addition to being a student, Xiaobo is also a dark horse in the literary world. He participated in the ‘New Concept’ held in Shanghai last year. The only grand prize winner in the Essay Contest and the best-selling author in 2000. He just flew from the capital to Shanghai yesterday, and he has been in Shanghai for the past two days to attend his book signing, which was held at the Shanghai Bookstore. Shanghai is over, and there is still more to come. Go to Ningcheng, Yangcheng and his hometown Shudu.
“In addition to having superhuman talents in writing, Xiaobo also shows amazing talent in music. Now, he has set up a music studio in Shudu to promote his music. This is Fang Youfang next to me Miss Fang is the first artist signed by his music studio. As for your sister, I am also an employee of Xiao Bo. I am currently helping him manage the music studio. This time Miss Fang and I came to Shanghai to help Xiaobo is famous in the literary world, promoting a new song written, composed and arranged by Xiaobo and sung by Miss Fang. Third sister-in-law, fourth sister, you two like music. I will give you two pieces signed by Xiaobo and Miss Fang later. cd, you two can help me taste it.”
Wang Bo was chatting and laughing with the generosity of 400,000 yuan, which surprised the old man of the Cheng family again. The surprising result was that the atmosphere at the dinner table became even more exciting and lively. Dozens of bottles of red wine were shouted one bottle after another. In the end, except for Several women were still awake, and several men at the dinner table were a bit drunk.
Thank you very much to “1stxiaomian” for the generous reward of 2600 star