know how to eat! If you eat, you will be destined to eat rotten pickles for the rest of your life!” Xie Mingfang said, hating the iron, “Zeng Fanyou, can’t you think of a way? Zeng Fansong and his wife could only be where they are today because of their erections.” Bo’er’s help! Bo’er was the closest to you, my second uncle, when he was a child. When we were unmarried (in love), Bo’er was only two or three years old at the time, and you carried him to my house. That’s why we went to Jie Ying You took him with you when they were playing around the house. You were so good to Bo’er at that time. Now that he is rich, how could he do this to your second uncle?” “

know how to eat! If you eat, you will be destined to eat rotten pickles for the rest of your life!” Xie Mingfang said, hating the iron, “Zeng Fanyou, can’t you think of a way? Zeng Fansong and his wife could only be where they are today because of their erections.” Bo’er’s help! Bo’er was the closest to you, my second uncle, when he was a child. When we were unmarried (in love), Bo’er was only two or three years old at the time, and you carried him to my house. That’s why we went to Jie Ying You took him with you when they were playing around the house. You were so good to Bo’er at that time. Now that he is rich, how could he do this to your second uncle?” ”
/Pa!” Zeng Fanyou placed the bowl heavily on the table, He looked at Xie Mingfang with a cold eyebrow, “You also know that Bo’er kissed me when we were young! Xie Mingfang, let me ask you, since I married you, every time Bo’er comes to play in my mother’s house, do you invite Bo’er? Have you ever had a meal? During the New Year and holidays, have you ever given New Year’s money to others? Every time Bo’er comes to play at Mom’s place, Song’er has to bear all the food and accommodation alone. During the New Year and holidays, Song’er pays it back to Bo’er. Taking the New Year’s money! This has happened every year for more than ten years! Let me ask you, what are you doing? If I were Bo’er, I would kiss his auntie uncle!”
After understanding Mingfang patiently for many years, Wang Bo’s second son Uncle Zeng Fanyou finally broke out.
“Isn’t it just for this family? Aren’t I trying to save more money? Have I ever spent a penny randomly? I have been married for more than ten years, and I work from dawn to dusk every day. When I am busy at home and in the fields, have I ever enjoyed a day? Leisure days? Is all this I did for myself? Not for this family!” At the end of the sentence, Xie Mingfang, who felt extremely wronged, finally couldn’t help but start crying.
As soon as Xie Mingfang cried, the anger that was gradually rising in Zeng Fanyou’s heart was extinguished as if a basin of cold water had been poured on it. He sighed, picked up the rice bowl on the table again, and said:
“I didn’t say you spent money randomly! I didn’t say you didn’t work hard to make a living! How much better is Song’er’s family than ours? They are not even as good as us! But they are How do you treat Bo’er? My eldest brother’s family is so lively (difficult). When Bo’er comes over to play, he always finds an opportunity to treat Bo’er to a meal or two throughout the year. During the New Year, he should also give Bo’er ten or twenty yuan. I want to give Bo’er some New Year’s money. What about us? What about me, who is my second uncle? Every time I say I want to buy some food and invite Bo’er over for dinner, you say I don’t have any money. During the Chinese New Year, I want to give Bo’er some New Year’s money. You Not sure. Do you think there are uncles and aunts like you and me? You, and of course me, have done really well to Bo’er!” ”
Well, let’s go buy some good food another d