ey returned to the international student dormitory, Chen Xiang, Wu Xue, Zhang Xinyue, and Luo Lin were cooking in the kitchen, preparing for lunch.

ey returned to the international student dormitory, Chen Xiang, Wu Xue, Zhang Xinyue, and Luo Lin were cooking in the kitchen, preparing for lunch.
/As the general manager Wang Bo usually has three meals a day and is responsible for the cleaning of his two apartments, Chen Xiang has the keys to both of his apartments. In addition to breakfast, the girls now basically eat lunch and dinner at his place. , even if he is not at home, several girls will go to his place to open a small kitchen. The only difference is that when he is there, the girls will follow him to have a feast of meat and fish. When he is not here, even though he We have been told countless times to tell the girls not to be polite and to use public funds to buy whatever they want from the supermarket. They can buy whatever they want and fix it as they please. Let’s make a meat-and-vegetarian soup together and “make do”.
Of course, even if it is one meat, one vegetable and one soup, it is much better in terms of taste, hygiene, and portion than the big pot rice in the cafeteria.
When Chen Xiang called him this morning to ask for the lunch recipe, he made three calls but failed to get through. Chen Xiang thought that Wang Bo and Zheng Yan were working outside and would not come back at noon.
Since Wang Bo was not here, the four girls prepared to stir-fry twice-cooked pork, stir-fry baby cabbage, and cook tomato and egg soup for a meal.
Chen Xiang was a little surprised to see Wang Bo come back suddenly. She smiled and asked him if he had had lunch. Wang Bo shook his head.
“Then I’m going to the supermarket now. What do you want to eat?” As she said this, the girl was about to take off her apron. The lunch dish was too simple, and she was afraid that Wang Bo wouldn’t be able to get used to it.
Wang Bo waved his hand and told her to stop being busy. He would eat whatever they ate. He was a little hungry and asked her to serve the food quickly.
As a result, a flurry of activity began in the kitchen, and pots and pans began to make “ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping, ping.
/As soon as the food arrived, Wang Bo immediately began to eat.
“Senior, why didn’t you see Senior Sister Zheng?” During the meal, Luo Lin didn’t see Zheng Yan and was a little curious.
Wang Bo didn’t answer, he just took big gulps of rice into his mouth with chopsticks.
The girls looked at each other and exchanged glances with each other. The four smiling faces that were originally full of smiles, like flowers, suddenly withered and lost their smiles. The chatter disappeared, and silence enveloped the entire dining table.
Wang Bo quickly finished the bowl of rice in his hand. Chen Xiang saw that he was only cooking rice and not adding vegetables, so she carefully put a few pieces of twice-cooked pork into her bowl. The other three girls also began to help him pick up the vegetables silently, and then watched him mix the ri