ant to go to Chang’an.” Bai Xue pointed to the south and said, “I want to go to Miao territory.” Qi Xiaoyun said, “I also want to find a blessed place to practice well. So. I’m going to the southeast.”

ant to go to Chang’an.” Bai Xue pointed to the south and said, “I want to go to Miao territory.” Qi Xiaoyun said, “I also want to find a blessed place to practice well. So. I’m going to the southeast.”
“Then, let’s part ways here.” Bai Xue said, “If we are destined,” Qi Xiaoyun said, “See you tomorrow!”
Hong Zhong said, “Take care, classmate.”
After bowing their hands to each other, they The horses dispersed.
“Finally liberated!” Hong Zhong whipped his whip and shouted loudly.
However, at this moment, a black shadow suddenly burst out from the forest in the northwest. Hong Zhong on horseback was instantly alert. He turned around and saw a tiger-shaped black shadow rushing towards him with a gust of black wind.
Lightning fast!
Hong Zhong shouted in his heart, opened his mouth, and even in order to breathe out, the tiger-shaped black night jumped over his head.
As soon as the tiger-shaped black shadow landed on the ground, it was suddenly a black tiger with dazzling eyes, and its entire body was burning like a flame. In its mouth, it held a human head.
As soon as the tiger’s mouth closed, red and white liquid spurted out from between its teeth. Without chewing, he swallowed it into his stomach with a “gulu” sound.
Roar! !
The black tiger with dazzling eyes stretched out its body and raised its head to the sky with a thundering roar. The huge roar spread in circles, and the surrounding trees fell to the side.
Behind it, a headless corpse fell from the horse.
“What’s going on!?”
/In Shanglou City, Lieutenant General Zhang, who was dressed in armor, was lying on the female wall and looking into the distance. His eyes flashed with light for a moment, and then he opened his mouth and roared, “Alarm! Sound the alarm! The demon is attacking the city! Pull it up. Alarm! Demons are attacking the city! You, go and inform ‘General Cheng’! You, go and summon all the city defense troops! You, go to ‘Exorcism Mansion’ and inform ‘Sanguang Taoist’ and let him be prepared! You go to Void Take a look at the thatched cottage, if Young Master Kong is here, be sure to invite him! Sons and gentlemen, if you don’t want to lose your life, just fight for it!!”
/After shouting, Vice General Zhang lay on the female wall again, and saw a burst of black clouds in the distance. Slowly moving towards this side, feeling deeply frightened and worried.
“Why do demons attack the city in large numbers!?”
Clang clang clang clang! !
In the shopping mall city in the early morning, people who had just woken up from their sleep had not had time to enjoy a moment of leisure time in the morning, and the rapid sound of gongs rang throughout the streets and alleys. The residents were all confused and asked each other “what happened?” Until a famous sergeant rode up from afar, banging the gong and shouting in a high voice: “The demon is coming! Everyone go to their homes! Be patient! Wait for good news! Anyone who spreads rumors and causes trouble will be killed!” ”
The demon is coming! ” ?
After a brief s