er, about five or six cars, two of which were trucks covered with canvas, and several others were cars. Yang Ran became nervous when he saw this. I waved my hand to signal her to relax.

er, about five or six cars, two of which were trucks covered with canvas, and several others were cars. Yang Ran became nervous when he saw this. I waved my hand to signal her to relax.
At this time, many people jumped out of the cars and began to clean the battlefield, treat the wounded and clean up the corpses. On the other side, the Mercedes-Benz in the middle opened the door, and Deputy Director Xia slowly walked out, looking at me from a distance. The cold wind covered his face, making him look a bit colder.
“Is this the answer you gave me?” He also asked what the middle-aged man had been asking just now.
“I’m tired of hearing this tonight. This is my answer. I will not join your alliance. Neither Sha Lao nor you can stop me from becoming the director of Institute 507.” I said loudly.
“You want to be our enemy?” Deputy Director Xia didn’t come over. There were about twenty meters between us. He stood on the slope and looked down at me, as if he was above me.
I raised my head and smiled: “I should ask you this question. Do you want to be my enemy? Deputy Director Xia.”
At this time, the body of the middle-aged man was carried past Deputy Director Xia’s door. In front of him, he said solemnly: “Even though you have amazing abilities, I have thousands of troops.”
“Haha, let’s try it.” I said nonchalantly.
/Deputy Director Xia stopped talking and slowly raised his head. At the same time, I slowly raised my hand. At this time, the bodyguards around Deputy Director Xia suddenly drew their weapons and looked at the sky.
At this moment, the stars in the sky flickered. When my hand reached the top, the breath in the sky gathered into a terrifying black hole, and in the black hole, there seemed to be something extremely terrifying staring at the people on the ground.
“This is what you and your thousands of troops have to deal with. The world always guesses how strong I am. I don’t know myself. Maybe I can answer this question one day after I defeat the Earth Immortal, haha.”
More than a dozen people It was cleaned up quickly and the scene was much cleaner. Deputy Director Xia tightened his collar, but the huge black hole formed by the breath above his head was gradually closing. He said with a cold face: “You are still young. If you want to be in power too young, you will die miserably.”
I laughed. He got up and shouted: “Then I won’t bother you.”
Deputy Director Xia turned around slowly. This time he didn’t speak any more. Deputy Director Xia’s back in the cold wind looked unusually depressed, and he walked slowly , like a candle that is about to burn out.
Looking back now, it was the late nineties. After 2000, when I competed for the directorship of Institute 507, Deputy Director Xia was already almost 60 years old. At that time, Mr. Sha was already in his eighties, and Deputy Director Xia had been following Mr. Sha to conquer the world since he was in his twenties. After the founding of New China, he was one of the first members to join Institute 507. It can be said that he is also the hero wh