your hand is naturally made of stone. I raised my hand and swiped, and a golden light shot out of the air. This golden light must be very powerful against the stone! I should have split the stone sword in half immediately, but I didn’t expect that the moment the golden light passed over the blade of the long sword, instead of fragments appearing, a layer of terrifying metallic light appeared on the long sword, which actually blocked the golden light. !

your hand is naturally made of stone. I raised my hand and swiped, and a golden light shot out of the air. This golden light must be very powerful against the stone! I should have split the stone sword in half immediately, but I didn’t expect that the moment the golden light passed over the blade of the long sword, instead of fragments appearing, a layer of terrifying metallic light appeared on the long sword, which actually blocked the golden light. !
After all, the golden light is not a weapon but the evolution of the power of the five elements. This time I was a little dumbfounded. I watched the golden light being chopped into pieces by the long knife, and then the blade actually slashed towards my face. At this moment, I had no way to escape or hide. Seeing that I was careless and lost Jingzhou, I was going to suffer under this long sword.
/However, at this moment, something unexpected happened! The long knife in the opponent’s hand actually stopped in mid-air. The blade was only an inch or two away from my face. It was very close but it didn’t hit me! Then the sculpture swung the long knife back, quickly stepped back a few meters, and stood at the top of the stairs again with the knife. He shouted: “Failure!”
The Japanese word “failure” is somewhat similar to our Mandarin word “failure.” It was also one of the terms that I remembered more firmly when I was learning Japanese. I touched my neck. When I was careless at that moment and almost lost my life, my whole neck felt cold. My hands were covered in sweat when I touched them like this. It turned out to be that moment of life and death just now. I broke into a cold sweat unconsciously.
Why didn’t you kill me? I muttered in my heart and didn’t dare to get close. I pursed my lips and thought for a while. Only after my head became clearer did I come up with some clues! I estimate that the sculpture guarding the people going up the stairs doesn’t actually kill people, it just defeats them. This level is actually a test, so after it was sure it could beat me, it said “failed”, which meant that I failed the test.
There must be people who enter the treasure house on weekdays, and most of the people who can enter the treasure house are high-level officials or dignitaries of the Ashiya family. What if these people are accidentally injured or even killed?
But having said that, although he was not killed, he was still defeated for a while, and he suddenly felt a little angry. In fact, what makes me angry is that I capsized in the gutter. Small mistakes like this may sound innocuous but are actually very fatal. Underestimating the enemy is really fatal. Many heroes have capsized in the gutter.
“Fuck, try again. This time I will let you know how powerful I am!” As I spoke, I pulled out the broken sword. The sword flashed with cold light, and the sculpture felt the murderous aura I released. Responded quickly. The long knife swung and struck me hard. This time I didn’t dare to be careless and underestimate the enemy, and immediately greeted him with all my stren