ecretary were taken away; two hours later, after learning that the person in charge was in the capital, a group set out on the crossroads before dark. Save the journey to arrest.

ecretary were taken away; two hours later, after learning that the person in charge was in the capital, a group set out on the crossroads before dark. Save the journey to arrest.
In this era of economic dominance, compared with some shady stories that cannot be put on the table, showing the support of horses and horses is the correct way to face the richest man.
Before dawn, Beijing.
When the sky turned white and the people in Ziyu Villa were still wandering in their dreams, Zhao Song opened the bedroom door in confusion and staggered toward the sound of dogs barking downstairs.
He passed by the kitchen, ignored someone at the refrigerator, numbly opened the door, and crouched down next to a cat.
In front of them is a row of decorative railings with gaps of varying sizes, whose main function is to control the growth of climbing plants.
Looking at each other with Garfield, Zhao Song looked doubtfully at the stuck dog’s head and struggling body in front of him, and couldn’t help but fall into deep doubts:
Is this dog really a German Shepherd?
He sighed, stretched out his hand, and gave it a little strength.
/The dog head was rescued.
“You’re up so late at night, why are you looking for something in the ivy?”
“Woof woof~”
“It’s Garfield’s job to catch mice, you’re meddling in other people’s business.”
After complaining, Zhao Song stood up and walked back with the cat and dog in confusion. In the villa, when passing by the kitchen, I continued to turn a blind eye to someone.
“Zhao Song!”
Signaling the cat and dog to go back to rest, Zhao Song walked into the kitchen and ignored the red wine and pork head in Bai Li’s hand.
Bai Li sat on a high stool, exposing her fair legs, and looked at the wine glass with misty eyes:
“When can I leave?”
Zhao Song looked at Bai Li in surprise: “What do you mean?”
“I don’t want to live here. Here!”
“I locked you up?” Zhao Song said with a ridiculous smile, “You can come and go freely.”
After saying that, he was too lazy to look at Bai Li, who was suffering from petty bourgeoisie, and was going to go back to his room to take a nap.
“Zhao Song~”
Bai Li called him loudly.
“I want to go home!”
Zhao Song stared at Bai Li: “Where is your home?”
Grandpa’s house? Grandpa’s house? Suddenly, Betty was a little undecided.
“Home is where your parents are.”
“They only made a small mistake, but they took on mistakes that they shouldn’t have to bear, just to keep you away from the home you said. ‘Stay away!’
/Bai Li was silent.
Zhao Song thought of the shocking back in his previous life again, suppressed the anger in his heart, and tried to say calmly: “He is handsome, has outstanding abilities, is valued by his leaders, loved by his subordinates, and everyone likes him. Such a perfect person, why don’t your parents Agreed, why do you want me to keep an eye on you?”
If you change the angle, maybe if your family introduces a crooked melon to him, this silly Baitian will have a different attitude tow