ng to do, except Zhang Lisheng, who was standing idle in the main room. However, after the burlap blanket was brought, he had his own thing to do, which was to kneel next to the ice coffin to thank the guests.

ng to do, except Zhang Lisheng, who was standing idle in the main room. However, after the burlap blanket was brought, he had his own thing to do, which was to kneel next to the ice coffin to thank the guests.
Miaowei organizes funerals and welcomes thousands of guests. Regardless of whether they know the host’s family or not, as long as the guests come to the door, the host’s family will entertain the guests. Usually the bereaved man will kowtow and then host a Miaowei banquet with all kinds of meat and vegetables.
During the five days of the funeral, Zhang Lisheng knelt in front of his father’s body for more than ten hours every day from morning to night to thank the guests. He looked extremely tired and haggard. Except for a few fellow villagers, most of the guests were travelers to the mountain village.
Visitors were extremely excited to see the real Miaowei funeral. Some self-guided tourists even extended their vacation and stayed in Yuwo Village to wait for Zhang Daowu to be buried.
/As for the folks in Yuwo Village who helped with funeral arrangements at the old house, they gradually felt that the “Zhang Family Old House” had become ordinary. What people fear most is the unknown. When the mystery is lifted, this place is just an old house.
Finally, it was the last day of the funeral. In the afternoon, almost all the adult men and women in Yuwo Village gathered together. Together with the tourists watching the lively scene, the Zhang family’s old house was filled to the brim. Even the stone road outside was full of people. .
The person presiding over the burial ceremony was Tao Lielin, who had a red cloth blanket draped over his shoulders. He stared down at his mobile phone. When the auspicious moment was approaching, he raised his head, turned on the microphone and blew, and heard a “whirring” sound, and the amplification was normal. Then he said loudly: “Don’t make any noise, don’t make any noise.
The auspicious time has come, let’s send Zhang Shanjun up…”
Halfway through Tao Lielin’s words, he suddenly saw the crowded villagers voluntarily giving way to a path, wearing a pure black Miao suit. The old village chief Tian Jiushi walked towards him calmly.
“Master Jiu Shi, you, you, why are you here…”
“Of course I have to come and see him off for Dao Wu’s last journey,” Tian Jiu Shi, who had not shown up during Zhang Dao Wu’s funeral, sighed, and turned from the stunned expression. Tao Lielin took the microphone in his hand and raised his voice and said: “The auspicious time has come. Old man Tian Jiushi will send Zhang Dao Wushan Jun on his way.”
After saying that, he took off the red cloth blanket from Tao Lielin’s shoulders and covered it with On the corpse of Zhang Daowu in the ice coffin.
The deceased was wrapped up in clothes, and the drummers and drums invited were playing in unison. Several sturdy middle-aged Miaowei women carefully lifted Zhang Daowu’s body, put it into the wooden coffin nearby, and used the coffin lid to lift it up. The coffin lid is closed.
The kneeling Z