Shuangmu and Tang Rou’s words, and said, “Cao Cao was assassinated, and Cao’s camp must be in chaos, right?” Li Shuangmu nodded and said, “That’s true. Cao Cao ordered a thorough investigation of spies and searches Assassin, he also implemented the terror policy of ‘I would rather kill by mistake than let go’. To this day, Cao Ying is still shrouded in the shadow of terror.”

Shuangmu and Tang Rou’s words, and said, “Cao Cao was assassinated, and Cao’s camp must be in chaos, right?” Li Shuangmu nodded and said, “That’s true. Cao Cao ordered a thorough investigation of spies and searches Assassin, he also implemented the terror policy of ‘I would rather kill by mistake than let go’. To this day, Cao Ying is still shrouded in the shadow of terror.”
“Fell into a trap!” Yin Kuang bit his lower lip and said, “This must be Zhuge Liang or Zhou Yu’s trick.” Li Shuangmu sighed: “I have tried to persuade Cao Cao before, but he didn’t listen. He always thinks that he is safe in his own territory. But he is suspicious by nature.” ”
It’s normal. He He has cultivated many craftsmen and placed them in other forces, so he naturally knows that there are many craftsmen under him. He is also a proud person who pursues perfection, so he naturally wants to take this opportunity to combine those craftsmen with possible All those who work carefully will be eradicated! Unfortunately, his picky character made him fall into the enemy’s trap. Now, Cao Jun’s military morale is probably in chaos.”
Tang Rou said: “Now everyone in the camp I’m in danger. Anyone I catch thinks he is an assassin or a gap. Even I was questioned several times. It’s really hateful!”
/Li Shuangmu said: “By the way, a few things happened just now.”
“What happened? ”
The people in class 1236 wanted to take advantage of the chaos to rescue Xiao Qiao, but because they wanted to be secretive, they broke into pieces and sneaked into Cao’s camp. Unfortunately, several of them bumped into people from our class. We annihilated them. 3 people. Zhu Tong, Jie Jie, Ren Chenyi and other strong players were nowhere to be seen. In addition, I also found that a mysterious person also attacked people in Class 1236, so I left him alone. That person is not weak.”
Yin. Kuang said: “If my guess is right, that person should be Li Qingyun. He really lived up to my expectations.”
After hearing this, Tang Rouyu smiled and said: “This person is really stupid. However, stupid Gui Si, this person is ruthless, heartless and crazy, and it is indeed not easy to deal with. Yin Kuang, I guess he hates you to the core.”
Yin Kuang said: “I have never underestimated him. But, if he wants to play with me , hum.”
/Tang Rouyu and Li Shuangmu saw Yin Kuang’s somewhat arrogant and confident expression, and a trace of doubt flashed in their eyes. They couldn’t help but look at each other, and both thought in their hearts: “He seems to have become a little different.”
“Also, Sun Shangxiang was Caught. Most of her Jiwei Jiwei were killed and injured. Three of the four girls in Class 1207 were shot to death by random arrows, while Leng Huaping escaped from me.” When talking about the woman Leng Huaping, Li Shuangmu reluctantly He couldn’t help but show a hint of appreciation. Obviously, Li Shuangmu was quite interested in this woman who escaped from the hands of heaven.
“Sun Shangxiang was captured?” After hearing this, Yin Kuang suddenly felt that something was w