r’s pitiful life experience and misfortune, she also hated her adoptive father and adoptive mother for being ruthless and cruel; and when she heard After his son’s resonant and powerful words, he began to feel lucky for his goddaughter and proud of his son’s courage to take on the responsibility. In short, at this time, Zeng Fanyu felt sad and hateful, sad and happy, with mixed emotions.

r’s pitiful life experience and misfortune, she also hated her adoptive father and adoptive mother for being ruthless and cruel; and when she heard After his son’s resonant and powerful words, he began to feel lucky for his goddaughter and proud of his son’s courage to take on the responsibility. In short, at this time, Zeng Fanyu felt sad and hateful, sad and happy, with mixed emotions.
Wang Bo held Guan Ping in his arms, letting the girl vent her sadness and grievances in his arms. Guan Ping’s mourning and lamentation, including the tears of the mother next to her, made Wang Bo heartbroken and filled with resentment, so much so that the anger he had suppressed just now, and the thought of cutting Guan Yongxiang into pieces with a knife, came again. come out. While the girl was crying, he suddenly thought of a lot:
how shy and timid the girl was when she first came here; how kind and approachable she was after getting acquainted with her. In the past few months, I worked tirelessly from dawn to dusk, doing his laundry and boiling eggs, taking care of his daily life, and being “called around” by him like a “maid”, doing this and that. Sometimes, he himself would feel that it was a little too much and a little embarrassed, but the girl was always smiling, cheerful, without complaint, meticulous, and carried out all his instructions accurately and efficiently, never complaining, and willingly !
Because he has been an only child since he was a child, and like many only children, Wang Bo has always had an unknown dream deep in his heart: that is, if he can have someone who cares about him, tolerates him, loves him and takes care of him in this life Sister, how wonderful that would be! He thought this dream would never come true, and then Guan Ping came.