he two of them raised their wine glasses and clinked them. , the light yellow Maotai liquor was filled with a rich fragrance, Lei Fang raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, but Wen Liang only took a small sip, with an imperceptible cold smile at the corner of his mouth.

he two of them raised their wine glasses and clinked them. , the light yellow Maotai liquor was filled with a rich fragrance, Lei Fang raised his head and drank it all in one gulp, but Wen Liang only took a small sip, with an imperceptible cold smile at the corner of his mouth.
/After finishing the meal, he walked out of the hotel and noticed that it was raining outside. Wen Liang declined Lei Fang’s suggestion to go for entertainment because he was too tired, and drove back to the apartment building. There was no one in the building, and the sound of his own footsteps could be heard in the empty space. The cold wind that seeped in from nowhere blew behind the ears, giving Wen Liang the feeling of “This is a ghost building” from a horror movie. . When the elevator door was about to close, I suddenly heard a girl shouting from the lobby outside: “Wait, don’t close it yet!”
/If the plot of the movie is going according to the development, the girl who appears at this time must represent some kind of unknown. Fortunately, Wen Liang was brave and generous, and he nonchalantly stretched out a foot to block the elevator door, allowing the girl to catch up in time.
The girl hurried in, lowered her head and folded the flower umbrella still dripping with raindrops in her hand, straightened her slightly messy clothes, then turned to Wen Liang and said, “Thank you, it’s you!”
Wen Liang also saw it clearly. The girl’s face turned out to be Miao Qingyan’s roommate who screamed loudly. He forgot his name, but he still remembered his appearance. He smiled and said, “It’s you. What a coincidence. We just got out of school?”
The girl chuckled. He said: “I’m not a high school student. I’m not studying. I just watched a movie with my boyfriend. What about you? I heard from Qingqing that you are in business. Did you just come back from a few big business deals?”
Chinese people love face the most. , and loves to brag. In the early 1990s, the most common thing on the market was a so-called boss with a mobile phone in his hand, a slicked back hair, talking like a train, and keeping his mouth shut for hundreds of millions. Wen Liang listened to her joking about this and said with a grimace. : “This year I have been memorizing words and lost nearly one billion in three businesses in a row. I had to sell a building on Chang’an Street to recover. You college students should stop laughing at us poor people!” The girl laughed
. He leaned forward and backward, gave a thumbs up, and said: “This eloquence is amazing, no wonder it makes my family Qingqing spin. Handsome guy, I like you. If you work harder, I’m sure to make her take off her clothes and lie on your bed obediently!”
Tough and tough ! There is no need for reasons in life. Wen Liang felt that he could not compete with the girl in front of him, so he took the innocent route and said with a blushing face: “Classmate Miao and I have a pure male-female relationship. Don’t get it wrong.”
The girl was stunned. He was stunned for a moment, then laughed loudly, holding his hand on