m member, the team members can walk ahead and rush ahead in emergencies, dangers and difficulties. In other words, inspired by the “backpack” spirit, the team members of the Criminal Investigation Bureau are both commanders and “Investigators, appear at the scene together with the police, study the case together, and go on business trips to handle the case.”

m member, the team members can walk ahead and rush ahead in emergencies, dangers and difficulties. In other words, inspired by the “backpack” spirit, the team members of the Criminal Investigation Bureau are both commanders and “Investigators, appear at the scene together with the police, study the case together, and go on business trips to handle the case.”
The leader is not Wang Po who is bragging, but “Shenzheng CID” has indeed been carrying forward the “backpack” spirit and adhering to its fine traditions.
Since 2002, every criminal police officer has been issued a large travel backpack.
Female police officers use red ones, and male police officers use blue ones.
According to unified regulations, the backpack must be equipped with handcuffs, warning tapes, rubber ropes, waterproof flashlights, packaging tape, ink pads, tape measures, notebooks, writing paper, maps and other tools. Water bottles, towels, toothbrushes, toothpaste and other daily necessities must be prepared.
Solving the case is the last word!
The most fundamental task for Shen Zheng detectives is to solve cases. Because of this mission, they have been working hard and non-stop to practice the glory and dream of “Shen Zheng CID”, and “Shen Zheng CID” has also become I got a business card similar to “803” or “Zhangzhou 110”.
Han Bo was happy and honored to be able to work in such a unit and even lead so many outstanding criminal police officers in handling cases. He stood up again and saluted several leaders.
/At 2 o’clock in the afternoon, Deputy Director Zhou and Deputy Director Yang, who were in charge of the Criminal Police Detachment, rushed to the Criminal Police Detachment together with the leaders of the Ministry’s Personnel Training Bureau, the Establishment Division and the Political Department of the Provincial Department who sent Han Bo to take office.
Sure enough, the white wall at the entrance is inlaid with two prominent characters: “Shenzheng CID” and “Shenzheng City Criminal Investigation Bureau”. Wang Dong, Director of the Criminal Investigation Bureau (Captain of the Criminal Police Detachment) who had received the notice early, Deputy Directors Xu Qingguo and Qiu Dahai enthusiastically invited several leaders to the conference room.
This is a deputy bureau-level establishment unit with two division-level departments, the Political Secretariat and the Criminal Technology Division, as well as ten deputy division-level divisions and brigades, several division-level departments and squadrons, and the same brother municipal bureaus. Like the Criminal Police Detachment, there is also a police dog detection training brigade.
All the office cadres at home attended the meeting, and all the brigade captains and brigade political commissars who were working or handling cases outside were present. The conference room was full of people, including many old friends who had interacted with each other for several years.
Deputy Director Zhou of the Municipal Bureau presided over the meeting in person. He first introduced to