e coffin for three days from the time he was attacked to now. Moreover, when Wang Zhexuan and I dug up the grave just now, there was no sign that the grave had been dug at all. For the time being, we can convince ourselves that the person who did it was quite clever, but how could he be suffering from lack of oxygen? Survived for nearly three days under the same conditions?

e coffin for three days from the time he was attacked to now. Moreover, when Wang Zhexuan and I dug up the grave just now, there was no sign that the grave had been dug at all. For the time being, we can convince ourselves that the person who did it was quite clever, but how could he be suffering from lack of oxygen? Survived for nearly three days under the same conditions?
And someone brought people in. They dug the grave and put the people in. Fan Zhen and Zeng Yipu were here, and they didn’t notice? This is not like Fan Zhen’s style of doing things, and this incident seems to have indeed happened, so the only reasonable explanation is that if the incident itself was done by Fan Zhen, all the questions just now are no longer doubts.
From the time we decided to dig the grave until this happened. The middle lasted for such a long time. Fan Zhen didn’t notice it at all, which is impossible. So I have basically determined the fact that this incident was arranged by Fan Zhen and was done by him.
When we returned to Uncle Wang Zhexuan’s house, I had already straightened out this relationship, so when I listened to their words, I could get more clues based on this inference, and then speculate about the relationship between Fan Zhen and Zeng Yipu. What is the purpose.
They sat face to face in the main room. If Wang Zhexuan hadn’t always been distrustful and defensive, I think if they had joined forces to deceive me, I wouldn’t have been able to tell who was who. But then again, I’m afraid that even they themselves can’t tell who is their real self now. They have exactly the same memories and only different experiences in details. This is why they are afraid of each other, because no one can accept that their lives are false. It’s fictional, it’s someone else’s life.
/There were very few facts they could tell, so the clues they could provide were also very simple. The only difference was how they returned to the mountain village, just like what they said at the tomb. The rest of the experience was exactly the same, they said. When I saw these things and described these past events, they were as realistic as if I had experienced them myself, which made me feel that they were indeed the same person. Come up and carry it.
/But then I noticed that something seemed to be stained on Wang Zhexuan Er’s neck. I had not noticed it earlier, but I sat down and changed the angle and discovered that this thing looked like white mud, and it looked like a piece of water. There was a layer of ash on his neck. After I noticed this detail, I reacted immediately. I said, “There seems to be something on your neck.”
He heard me and wanted to touch it with his hands, but When I stopped him, I stood up and walked over to him. I put some on it with my fingers and brought it to my eyes. I also smelled it with my nose. There was no smell. But when I looked closer, I could see some crystal-like particles. However, It’s very fine, somewhat like table salt, but the grains are much finer than table salt. It’s as fine as powder, but not powde