utes for the Fifth Brigade of the Special Police and the Longhua Branch from receiving Lao Feng’s order to arriving at the designated location to set up the card. Counting the first 3 minutes, he had 20 minutes to run desperately. He could run at least three kilometers in 20 minutes. Not within our encirclement.”

utes for the Fifth Brigade of the Special Police and the Longhua Branch from receiving Lao Feng’s order to arriving at the designated location to set up the card. Counting the first 3 minutes, he had 20 minutes to run desperately. He could run at least three kilometers in 20 minutes. Not within our encirclement.”
“How did he notice it?”
“I was in the ward where he was hiding,” Qian Dahai looked down at the ground, then looked back at the Xinyang Police Station Chief standing at the door, and said angrily: “This ward faces the street, and you can see downstairs when you stand by the window. There are cigarette butts and soot on the ground. Judging from the traces on the scene and the time of escape, it seems that the police officers from the police station who drove the police car over to investigate were alerted.”
Who would have thought that he would be hiding there? In the hospital?
The police force at the police station is so tight and they have to check so many security corners in one night. It is normal to drive a police car and wear a police uniform. This responsibility really cannot be passed on to the grassroots police. What’s more important is that it’s very normal for a police car to appear in front of the hospital. Not only the police have police cars, but also the courts, procuratorates, customs and anti-smuggling bureaus and even the judicial bureau. This shows that he is not extremely vigilant now but has a guilty conscience. He is suspicious and wants to hide when he sees a police car. When he sees a police officer, he becomes nervous and wants to run away.
Han Bo touched the corner of his mouth and asked: “Can you determine which direction he went?”
“It’s not possible to determine for the time being, but I have organized the police to launch a search around the Modern Rehabilitation Hospital. Old Feng is responsible for the outside and expands the encirclement. , expand the scope of the blockade.”
/Cities are not rural areas. They have a large resident population and foreigners, and the terrain is complex. It is also late at night. I really don’t have much hope that Han Bo can be found. After thinking about it, I asked: “Does the hospital have his phone number? He went through the hospitalization procedures, especially the fees.” Did you pay by credit card or cash?”
a mobile phone number in the medical record, but it is fake and empty; when he went through hospitalization procedures, he paid by card or cash?” The payment was made in cash during the procedure, and no bank card was swiped.” Qian Dahai looked at Ding Xinqiang who had just walked in, and added: “The ward is the same as the previous places where he stayed. He cleaned up before fleeing and left nothing of value. Clues. But judging from the surveillance video, he ran very awkwardly this time, not as calmly as the previous times.”
“What else?”
“While in the hospital, he was given three bottles of fluid every day. According to the nurse, the drip was done very quickly, but I don’t think he really lost it, at least not all th