can’t seem to think of anything. However, the dream about mice you mentioned is not the first time I have heard it. I remember Sun Yao once He told me that he often has this dream. You may not know that what he is most afraid of is mice, whether alive or dead, big or small, and not just mice, but also squirrels, hamsters and the like that look similar to mice. Afraid, it seems that it must be because of this dream.”

can’t seem to think of anything. However, the dream about mice you mentioned is not the first time I have heard it. I remember Sun Yao once He told me that he often has this dream. You may not know that what he is most afraid of is mice, whether alive or dead, big or small, and not just mice, but also squirrels, hamsters and the like that look similar to mice. Afraid, it seems that it must be because of this dream.”
After hearing this, I said: “I am also afraid of mice, big and small, even living and dying. Does this mean that he and I have something in common? Otherwise…”
When I said this, my thoughts suddenly stopped, and then I looked at Zhang Ziang as if I suddenly remembered something. Zhang Ziang saw that I suddenly stopped talking and looked at him blankly and asked me Said: “What’s wrong, looking at me like this?”
I said: “You didn’t tell me the truth about Sun Yao’s death, did you? I’ve always been confused. He just noticed your identity and you wanted to kill him.” Death, this reason is too far-fetched. Just now you said that he would also have such a dream, so did you kill him because of this dream?”
/Zhang Ziang looked at me without surprise, as if he had expected that I would do this. I thought, but he didn’t say anything. I noticed his expression, so I said, “You are admitting it.”
Zhang Ziang said, “If I said I didn’t admit it, would you believe it?”
I said, ” But what I said is indeed true. From the moment we met, you laid a plan. At that time, I didn’t know it at all. In fact, from that time on, you were already planning how to kill Sun Yao, right?”
/Zhang Ziang He still didn’t speak, but his expression remained unchanged. When I said this, I suddenly remembered the bet that Meng Jicheng made with me. However, when we met, I realized that I had lost the bet, and I suddenly panicked. , because this bet seems to have been a game for a long time, even before Zhang Ziang planned to kill someone.
I Taking a deep breath, I feel that the current situation is a dilemma. If I care about the game designed by Zhang Ziang, then the bet will be lost. But if I don’t care about it, I will not be able to pass my level. No one likes to be calculated. And it started from a time when I couldn’t even imagine it.
Zhang Ziang said: “A thief is a thief. No matter he becomes a soldier or continues to be a thief, he can never change his calculating nature. Do you think it is He Yang?” I didn’t expect
him to say such a sentence suddenly, and I didn’t know. What was his purpose in saying this? Was it self-deprecation or something else? So he didn’t know how to answer for a while. He said: “I know the bet between you and Meng Jicheng. When I knew you had met him, I knew there would be this bet because he would do anything to destroy me.”
I said: “Since you know, why do you still admit it?” Dou Jixucai.
He said: “I didn’t admit it, but I didn’t deny it either, because I didn’t want Meng Jicheng to get the handle, but I also didn’t want to let you know about it before the matter got out of control and you