amily to surround the other side of the black parrot. The eldest son said: “This mortal is destined to me. If he dies, Lingqian will also be sad. I can’t see Lingqian being sad, so He cannot die.”

amily to surround the other side of the black parrot. The eldest son said: “This mortal is destined to me. If he dies, Lingqian will also be sad. I can’t see Lingqian being sad, so He cannot die.”
Various people became my helpers for various reasons, but this time, everyone stood together for one goal.
“Everyone, I, Mr. Cui, would like to thank you in advance. When Shanzi wakes up, I will treat everyone to a drink!” The fat man shouted loudly, looking excited.
“Sister Yuyan. How to start?” Fatty asked.
/“I have to first unlock the seal that Brother Shan has set on me. After the seal is unlocked, the old woman’s consciousness will definitely fight back, and it will need to be suppressed at that time. After suppressing it, let her share her power with me. With this power, I will fight with Xiao Wang The spell taught by the master entered Brother Shan’s consciousness and brought him back. “It sounds simple, but in fact this is a very risky move. My sea of ??consciousness was in a state of extreme chaos, like a vast ocean stirring up a storm. Tang Yuyan, who entered my consciousness, was like a small boat. She had to protect herself in the storm and find me. This was an almost impossible task, and if she was not careful, she might even endanger herself.
“Okay, get ready and tell me when you start.” As the fat man spoke, he waved his hand and asked the bear-headed giant to lead people to surround Tang Yuyan and my body. Tang Yuyan sat on her knees on the ground. Put my head on your knees and look down at me.
“Entering a person’s sea of ??consciousness is equivalent to peeking into the secrets of a person’s heart. I can only say sorry first.” After whispering softly, she raised her head and shouted to the fat man. “Brother Cui, I’m ready!”
“Everyone is on guard, it’s a matter of Shanzi’s life or death!”
After Tang Yuyan shouted these words, she began to unblock herself
. Self-unblocking was for Tang Yuyan. Not unfamiliar, but each time it deepened her fear. She needed to go into the deepest part of her consciousness and find where the old woman was, in the deepest part of her consciousness. The old woman was the absolute ruler, but Tang Yuyan became an invading outsider.
Dark forest, dark clouds in the sky, but no rain. A strange mist floated in the forest. The deepest part of Tang Yuyan’s consciousness was such a terrifying dense forest, and in the center of the dense forest was a large tree that had long since decayed, with the tree hole open. Inside the dark room lived the old woman from Zhongtianmen.
Tang Yuyan stepped on the rotten leaves on the ground and walked in the silent dark forest. It’s even scarier when there’s no sound in the forest, as if everything here is dead, like walking in the depths of hell.
But this is not her first time here. But I have never been here alone. In the past, I was accompanied by Master Xiao Wang. Crossing her arms over her chest, she stumbled forward. My bare feet felt no pain, and I finally reached the tree hole. Somewhat timidly, she shouted: “I’m here.”