ld and keep warm.” Anna immediately replied to Guo Tian with a look of disdain. She could guess what Guo Tian was thinking at this time. It wasn’t her, a tomboy, but those two beauties that she wanted to hug.

ld and keep warm.” Anna immediately replied to Guo Tian with a look of disdain. She could guess what Guo Tian was thinking at this time. It wasn’t her, a tomboy, but those two beauties that she wanted to hug.
“The camp is not finished yet. We still have to dig out the bed platform. I’ll dig this side and you use a snow shovel to dig that side. Dig on the side of the wall, about half a meter above the ground. The upper and lower sides should be flat and two meters long. , about half a meter high.” Liu Gan pointed to Guo Tian on a snow wall.
“Bed platform?” Guo Tian still didn’t understand.
“Well, dig out a platform on the side of the snow wall to use as a bed. The cold air will fall straight down from above. It will be very cold right below the snow cave. The platform dug out on the side is sheltered from the wind and warm. It is a good place for us to escape this snowstorm. .” Liu Qian nodded and moved his hands.
Not only can his alloy arm dig on the snow wall like a mechanical arm, but it also won’t feel cold, let alone frostbite or frostbite. Therefore, even if he doesn’t use a snow shovel, his efficiency is better than that of a snow shovel. Guo Tian is much taller.
The sleeping platform should not be too big. If it is too big, it will not be able to keep warm. If it is too small, the snow will pile up outside. The snow cave will be compressed to a certain extent, and the people sleeping inside may Buried alive.
Liu Gan guided Guo Tian, ??and the two of them started working together, and soon dug four beds for sleeping on the four walls. The four of them slept on a bed each, leaving two people on duty. It was obvious that Guo Tian’s idea of ??sleeping with the beauty was about to come to nothing.
“Why do we have to sleep separately? It’s warmer when we sleep together.” Guo Tian said to Liu Qian unwillingly.
/“You can take the initiative to invite me. Maybe Anna will agree to sleep with you.” Liu Qian suggested to Guo Tian.
/“Looking for her? Then I might as well hold a snow doll,” Guo Tian blurted out.
“Why don’t you die?” Anna flew up and hit Guo Tian’s anus, and Guo Tian screamed and jumped up.
Liu Gan smiled, he was always happy with these two people by his side! After laughing, Liu Gan dug a hole in the ground in the middle, about half a meter long, half a meter deep.
“Master Liu, what do you do?” Guo Tian asked Liu Qian strangely, holding his painful anus.
“The bathroom is for running water, but after you use it, remember to be like a cat and bury the smell with the snow next to it.” Liu Qian explained to Guo Tian.
“Master Liu is really thoughtful.” Guo Tian couldn’t help but admired. He was originally thinking about how to escape the snowstorm tonight! As a result, Liu Gan unexpectedly built such a camp. Although the camp was small and well-equipped, not to mention, he didn’t even feel cold when he stayed in it.
“Once, maybe two years ago? I climbed the Arobel Snow Mountain alone, and I also encountered a snowstorm like this. I was trapped in the mountain and couldn’t go anywhere.