o, they recognized me and looked pitiful when they saw me, so I brought them back to raise them. The two red pandas Cody and Babu is also there. I don’t know where he went. I haven’t seen them today. They may be hiding somewhere to sleep.”

o, they recognized me and looked pitiful when they saw me, so I brought them back to raise them. The two red pandas Cody and Babu is also there. I don’t know where he went. I haven’t seen them today. They may be hiding somewhere to sleep.”
Mom poured Anya a cup of hot black tea and added two slices of lemon, not Han Xuan’s. Then she continued to help. Hang Anya’s coat on the hanger by the door.
When she sat on the sofa, she held Anya’s hand. The more she looked at her, the more satisfied she became. She was a good girl who knew her roots. This was more important to her than her appearance. She used to worry that her son would act recklessly when he grew up, but now she seemed to be relieved.
The two of them whispered about their parents’ family affairs. Anya sat upright, obviously very nervous. It wasn’t until a burning smell came from the kitchen that his mother remembered that she was still cooking, and hurriedly ran to turn off the natural gas stove and open the window. ventilation.
Han Xuan hugged and tormented these two fat and fluffy mice. The white one was Mickey and the black one was Minnie. Their faces were round and fat, and they were quite cute.
They rubbed their heads against his fingers to express intimacy. They still remembered Han Xuan and were extremely happy to see him again.
/The two red pandas, Cody and Babu, suddenly ran out. A large group of pets were all talking, eating meat and eating grass. They got along harmoniously. They had their own way of communicating. I didn’t know what they were talking about
. In Glacier National Park, Han Xuan and the others accidentally uncovered a cross-border drug smuggling case and found several plants in the other party’s backpack.
/I originally thought they were just something to cover up. After I brought them back, I found a few flower pots to plant them in and placed them casually on the balcony. I never paid attention to them and almost forgot about their existence.
Now that Anya’s question “What kind of plants are these” aroused his doubts, Han Xuan realized that he really didn’t know what was growing in these pots.
Mom replied: “I know there are pots of roses among them, they are quite beautiful. The color of the flowers is light orange-red. I have never seen a rose of that color.” ”
Orange-red? Are you sure there are orange-red roses?”
” Well, it’s orange-red and a little whitish. I can’t tell what color it is, but it’s quite strange anyway. I remember taking a photo of it at the time. It should be in a drawer, etc.”
Mom rummaged through the drawer, and when she was almost out of touch After living on a ranch for so long, I still have a bit of a petty bourgeois sentiment. Most women like flowers.
When she found the photo, Han Xuan came over to look at it and said “Eh” in surprise.
The flowers in the photo are indeed light orange-red and very beautiful in color. I have never seen them before, which means that these flowers are very rare. I asked my father, “Is Mr. Arman here? He may know him.”
Han Xuan said Jarman is a G