in the world. Soon, this matter spread in Chang’an City. However, Chang’an was so lifeless at this time that the sky would probably fall without a cry. Dong Zhuo would marry a bride? The most they can do is lament that another good girl is being ruined. Then they were forced to hang red cloth in front of their doors to show their happiness.

in the world. Soon, this matter spread in Chang’an City. However, Chang’an was so lifeless at this time that the sky would probably fall without a cry. Dong Zhuo would marry a bride? The most they can do is lament that another good girl is being ruined. Then they were forced to hang red cloth in front of their doors to show their happiness.
At the same time, Dong Zhuo’s letter of appointment and betrothal gift were also sent to Wang Yun’s house by a matchmaker who looked like a gourd, bringing a dark cloud to Wang Yun’s house.
/Diao Chan was stunned when she heard this, and then smiled, although her smile was weak but strong enough, “Brother Yin, thank you. But I can’t. Although Hongchang is a weak woman, she also knows loyalty, justice, benevolence and filial piety. My adoptive father has been kind to me in raising me. No revenge. Thieves Dong have poisoned innocent people and must be eliminated. No matter what, Hongchang is bound to do it.” Yin Kuang sighed, “Compared with you, I’m afraid many men will feel ashamed.” Diao Chan smiled “hee” and said : “In Hongchang’s eyes, Brother Yin is a good man who stands upright.” Yin Kuang couldn’t help but hold Diao Chan’s shoulders, looked directly at her, and said: “Believe me, I will never let you get hurt. I Swear!” Diao Chan stopped, her cheeks slightly red, “Yeah.”
Yin Kuang watched Wang Yun being helped down and outside Diao Chan’s room. After a few gentle buckles, he said, “Sister Ren?” After a while, Diao Chan pulled away and said with a forced smile, “Brother Yin. Why are you here? What’s the matter?” Diao Chan’s eyes were red, and she had obviously just cried. At this time, Yin Kuang didn’t know how to comfort this weak woman. No matter what, her friendship with him was pure, and he had been taking advantage of her, so he felt guilty. Yin Kuang opened his mouth and said in a strange way: “Sister Ren, if you don’t want to, I can take you away.” At this time, Wang Yun had already told Diao Chan about his plan with Yin Kuang, and Diao Chan didn’t know that she was pregnant. No matter what the mood, he agreed without resistance.
After bidding farewell to Diao Chan, Yin Kuang returned to his room. Wang Ning, still dressed in black, tapped Erlang’s dagger on his leg. After today’s hard work, Wang Ning’s injuries were all healed. Yin Kuang said directly: “Dong Zhuo will marry Diao Chan in three days. We’d better adjust to the best condition these days.” Wang Ning glanced at Yin Kuang and said slowly: “If you ask me, Dong Zhuo can marry Diao Chan. The best time is to take action at the moment of launch.” Yin Kuang said: “No.” Wang Ning said with a smile: “Don’t you think it is very interesting to watch a pig eating cabbage? Beautiful things exist The highest value is to let ugliness destroy, what do you think?”
Yin Kuang said: “Something to do and something not to do. I may not like the things you like. This action was initiated by me, so you have to listen to me “Yes.” Wang Ning said: “It’s up to you. By the way, there’s someone you might be interested in. He sme