e Ruyi Cudgel in his hand, scratching his forehead and cheeks and said. But as soon as he finished speaking, Silent Monk jumped off his horse in the air and turned into a ball of white mist and rushed towards the monkey hair clone.

e Ruyi Cudgel in his hand, scratching his forehead and cheeks and said. But as soon as he finished speaking, Silent Monk jumped off his horse in the air and turned into a ball of white mist and rushed towards the monkey hair clone.
At this time, Mania also immediately made a plan: “Lamb, Tulian, you stay here to deal with a monkey hair clone, and you must entangle them for half an hour!” Tulian said excitedly: “Why should I stay? !?” Manyia said in a deep voice: “This is an order. If you don’t obey, you can go to the BOSS!”
Then, a series of “bang bang bang” sounds came from the front. A similar sound came faintly from behind. Manyia said loudly: “Let’s go!” Jason said loudly: “No, we cannot leave the two masters alone!” Manyia said loudly: “Skywalker, the overall situation is the most important thing.”
At this time, Mo Mo The monk was knocked away by the monkey hair clones. Fortunately, the silent monk was very stable and stopped after taking a few steps after landing. Silent Monk shook his aching arm and said angrily: “Jason, leave quickly!” After saying that, he flicked his two long sleeves, thickly wrapped his forearms, and rushed towards the monkey hair clone again. Fortunately, the stick of the monkey hair clone was also a fake. If it were real, Monk Monk would have turned into a hair long ago.
“Asshole!” Jason yelled unwillingly, with tears in his eyes, but he had to ride away. Because he knows that only by sending the wishful stick to its true owner can he save everyone. Otherwise, everyone will die. Although the choice was difficult, he had to make a choice.
Moreover, Jason still has some selfish motives. Only by rescuing Sun Wukong can he go home.
Soon, the rumble of horse hooves sounded again. Manyia left sixty powerful guards of the villa to assist Monk and Lu Yan. The remaining forty guards, plus Yin Kuang and others, quickly walked around.
Yin Kuang didn’t say anything about the two monkey-hair clones that appeared. Anyway, his current situation is not suitable for taking action, so he might as well watch silently. Now, it’s far from the time for him to take action.
“Don’t leave!”
The order the Monkey Hair clone received was to grab the real Ruyi Golden Cudgel. How could he let everyone go so easily? But of course, Silent Monk would not let it happen. With both fists waving and legs flying, layers of white shadows surged toward the monkey-haired clone like ocean waves, forcing the monkey-haired clone to concentrate on defense.
Immediately afterwards, Lamb roared and instantly transformed into a rock giant and rushed over. He punched the monkey hair clone’s back with his fist. Monkey Feather’s clone split between the two and attacked, and it suddenly became a bit difficult.
This just gave the thirty people the opportunity to protect it, and they immediately surrounded it, and at the same time cast a large net, blocking the way for the monkey-haired clone to fly upward.
/The battle on Lu Yan’s side was almost as fierce. However, because Tulian was focused on himself, Lu Yan’s pressur