of Rosalind on the goddess altar also made Yin Kuang sigh with emotion: Although the bodies are exactly the same, Rosalind is really more charming than Qian Qianqian. But that is not the charm of mutual attraction between lovers, but the charm between God and believers. From this point of view, Qian Qianqian is obviously cuter.

of Rosalind on the goddess altar also made Yin Kuang sigh with emotion: Although the bodies are exactly the same, Rosalind is really more charming than Qian Qianqian. But that is not the charm of mutual attraction between lovers, but the charm between God and believers. From this point of view, Qian Qianqian is obviously cuter.
/The elf princess naturally lives in the most heavily guarded interior of the palace, and it is not easy for Yin Kuang to sneak in. Anyway, there was still enough time, so Yin Kuang blended in with the tourists and walked around the palace. Everything he saw with the “eye of true seeing” was imprinted in his mind. After high-speed calculations in his brain, Yin Kuang finally figured out the rules of the palace guards. What makes Yin Kuang relieved is that the Elf Palace is of course tightly guarded, but once the rules of guard shifts and patrols are figured out, the strict guards are in vain. Because there are no security measures except patrol personnel. This is an oversight, but it is also a form of confidence. The elves believe that no one dares to come to the Elf Palace to find trouble. This is equivalent to declaring war with all the elves in the Holy Light Continent!
The only person Yin Kuang fears is the Elf Queen. In the previous investigation, if Yin Kuang Mingrui hadn’t immediately looked away when he sensed something was wrong, she might have discovered it. And just when Yin Kuang was thinking about how to avoid the elf queen’s detection, he suddenly slapped his head: “Why did I forget this?” With that, he took out a bracelet from the storage ring. The bracelet is made of some kind of green thin vine, with a few small emerald leaves on it, and a faint glow flowing on the surface.
This is the bracelet that the Elf Queen gave to Yin Kuang when he married the Elf Princess in Narnia. It is said to be made of vines from the Tree of Life. It has the miraculous effect of nourishing vitality and making it more vigorous. Simply put, it increases The chance of pregnancy, because the elf royal family’s suspicion chance is really low, it only happens once in a thousand years. But unfortunately, because of Yin Kuang’s intention, the elf princess never suspected it, and the bracelet was gradually forgotten.
Of course Yin Kuang is not taking it out now to increase the chance of pregnancy. But to avoid the perception of the Elf Queen of this world. The “Life Bracelet” is surrounded by the vines of the Tree of Life, and contains a strong natural breath. In addition, Yin Kuang is inside the Tree of Life, and the natural breaths blend with each other, so Yin Kuang’s own breath can naturally be hidden. .
Sure enough, Yin Kuang tentatively explored the Elf Palace several times, but no one, including the Elf Queen, paid any attention to Yin Kuang. Only then did Yin Kuang sigh: My mother-in-law plants trees, and I, my son-in-law, enjoy the shade.
/Cleverly avoiding the guards and having a smooth journey, Yin Kuang successfully approached the area where the Elf Princess was. As for how Yin Kuang d