less dazzling than the bombing, but it created huge missiles up to ten meters deep. When the bomb cratered, the countless pieces of soil mixed with native blood and debris were thrown up, which undoubtedly caused greater damage to the ‘tribal coalition’.

less dazzling than the bombing, but it created huge missiles up to ten meters deep. When the bomb cratered, the countless pieces of soil mixed with native blood and debris were thrown up, which undoubtedly caused greater damage to the ‘tribal coalition’.
After several missile attacks, the strong smell of gunpowder smoke and blood drifted far to the Tudenan people’s noses, causing them to clenched their weapons for no reason and their faces became stiff.
Feeling the strange atmosphere around him, Zhang Lisheng suddenly said: “This kind of attack that can’t see the enemy but suffers heavy damage can indeed reduce the will of the ‘tribal coalition’ to the greatest extent, but if we want to completely defeat them, we still have to rely on us on the ground. Attack.
Hiding in the distance and manipulating machinery will never complete the real ‘conquest’!”
“Yes, great attacker,” Duralu, whose expression seemed unchanged from beginning to end, let the rain fall from his face, He replied loudly: “Only you can be the only conqueror of the island under our feet!”
“Very good Du Lalu,” Zhang Lisheng saw from a distance that the saturation attack of the US army had ended, and Zhang Lisheng stood up from the witch insect. He raised his arms and roared: “Then conquer the enemy for me.
Tudenans, charge!”
There happened to be a lightning flash in the sky, reflecting the green-scaled young man like a ghost. The Tudenan warriors scattered in the jungle saw the ferocious and heroic appearance of the attackers, and grinned and roared loudly, ” Charge, charge…”, driving the giant spider under his crotch to rush towards ‘Samru’, slowly wiping out the last vitality of this ravaged ancient Hell Tribe.
In fact, when the Tudenans attacked, the actual number of remaining native warriors gathered in Samru was at least 150,000. Under normal circumstances, if they arranged themselves in battle formation and combined with a sufficient number of guardian spirits, they would be able to fight with them. ‘Tudenan’ expeditionary force to contend with.
But at this moment, these warriors may have just dug out the soil of the collapsed cave, climbed out of the cave, and looked around in panic in the night rain; or they may have become desperate because of the terrifying abilities displayed by the “strangers”. In front of the Tudenan warriors led by a ‘super inferno’ who has mastered the power of casting spells, they are like sheep in front of a pack of wolves, which can only be slaughtered by others.
Seeing that the defeat was irreversible, a spirit with sharp stone blades all over its body suddenly pointed at the “Ghost Face” riding on the body that had swelled to a hundred meters long and more than twenty meters high, driving the witch insects to spit out spiders continuously. Si, Zhang Lisheng, who was hunting the injured monster, roared incoherently: “Such a coincidence, such a coincidence…
‘Tudenan’ attackers, have you formed an alliance with those ‘strangers’…”
/Seeing the crazy appearance of the stone knife monster from a