r why she can modify part of the ‘causal order’ beyond her authority, it may be because of It is related to the legendary sacred object “History of Time” in her hand. Unexpectedly, she is powerful enough to use “History of Time”.” Chongming pressed his head tightly and said distressedly: “Oh, I really don’t know whether I should be happy. You should still be worried.”

r why she can modify part of the ‘causal order’ beyond her authority, it may be because of It is related to the legendary sacred object “History of Time” in her hand. Unexpectedly, she is powerful enough to use “History of Time”.” Chongming pressed his head tightly and said distressedly: “Oh, I really don’t know whether I should be happy. You should still be worried.”
Bai Lu poured himself a glass of water and said, “This guy is the biggest bug in the college! The principal should not have left her here. It would be no big deal to send her out. Grandma’s! My brother died in vain and lost 22 years of his life. I really can’t wait.” “
Forget it, your brother, you have time to educate him.” Chongming said, “On the contrary, what happened to Yin Kuang this time scared me. A jump. Fortunately, it did not lead to an irreversible outcome in the end.”
“Aren’t you quite open-minded? Yin Kuang’s death has nothing to do with you.”
Chongming rolled his eyes, “Who wants to die if he can live? Being open to life and death does not mean that you don’t want to live. What’s your logic? But although this time the whole thing is in chaos, but after all, chaos can be chaotic.” ”
It’s okay? Why is it okay? You can tell me. I don’t think it’s okay. , my brother lost 22 years of his life in vain.”
Chongming was too lazy to pay attention to him and said: “Everyone who has potential has been used, but if he doesn’t have the ability, were also eliminated. Although Class 1207 and Class 1236 won, there was only a small reward. Several of the top students performed very well. As for the losing Class 1237, except that your precious brother deserved to die, the others They are all remarkable. That woman named Tang sacrificed herself in the end, which is very rare. And because they have reserved some learning points and evaluation rewards for the mock exam, all losses are within the allowable range.”
Bai Ao looked at Chongming and said : “I think the key point is still Yin Kuang, right?”
/Chongming said: “Don’t look at me like that. As if I’m very happy. If I had known earlier, I would have stopped Hongye. It’s so random. But everything is There are two sides. Yin Kuang, this kid, might as well die once so that he can remember it for a long time. Although he failed this time and died again, in terms of real gains, he is the most generous one.”
“How should I say? ”
Chongming’s mood seemed to have improved a little, and as a result Kongming handed over the tea and said: “Because the ‘order of cause and effect’ was misplaced, he finally brought back one of Cao Cao’s swords, the ‘Green Sword’. That’s real. As long as you awaken the ‘weapon spirit’ and nourish it with the ‘source’, you can even be promoted to an ‘artifact’. Using the spiritual weapon in the first year of college is like driving a BMW as a primary school student back then, even though he didn’t have a driver’s license. Haha. !”
“I’m afraid that’s not the only thing that makes you happy, right?”
Chongming’s face sank slightly and said: “Yes. Sure enough, it is