re than a dozen people died, the others learned the lesson and spread out like a plague, leaving a large area vacant and quickly moved elsewhere. Yin Kuang originally wanted to take Justin and the others to a crowded place, but Justin and the others were not stupid, and they actually surrounded Yin Kuang by exchanging injuries for injuries. Although Yin Kuang has high fighting spirit and wishes to vent all the power in his body, he does not want to die. So after trying to break through several times to no avail, Yin Kuang simply asked Justin and the others to surround him, and they would fight each other and kill when the opportunity arose!

re than a dozen people died, the others learned the lesson and spread out like a plague, leaving a large area vacant and quickly moved elsewhere. Yin Kuang originally wanted to take Justin and the others to a crowded place, but Justin and the others were not stupid, and they actually surrounded Yin Kuang by exchanging injuries for injuries. Although Yin Kuang has high fighting spirit and wishes to vent all the power in his body, he does not want to die. So after trying to break through several times to no avail, Yin Kuang simply asked Justin and the others to surround him, and they would fight each other and kill when the opportunity arose!
No, after a dazzling entanglement for a while, a knight holding a spear finally made a mistake. The three-meter-long knight’s spear missed a little. Yin Kuang dodged over, tightened the Ruyi stick, and exploded him with one blow. head of.
After blasting the opponent’s head, Yin Kuang felt two sharp arrows shot from behind, and then sneaked behind the knight whose head was shot and used his body as a human shield. After blocking the two sharp arrows, Yin Kuang hit the headless horseman on the waist with another stick and pushed his body towards the oncoming orcs. The orc just struck down with a giant ax and immediately split the headless horseman’s body into two halves.
The orc used too much force, and the giant ax struck directly into the ground, and his power suddenly released.
“Help!” Justin, who had been knocked back by Yin Kuang’s stick before, shouted loudly. At this time, he had already recognized Yin Kuang through the Ruyi Golden Cudgel. The hatred for Yin Kuang has soared to the point of no return. He has made up his mind to kill Yin Kuang tonight, even if he risks his own life, to avenge his dead classmates and companions!
How could Yin Kuang miss such a good opportunity? The stick was smashed into the air and a raging purple flame dragon was thrown out. The orc planned to abandon his ax and run for his life, but in the end it was too late. The purple flame dragon penetrated directly into his body.
/ah! !
The soul-burning pain caused him to fall to the ground and roll over.
With anger and murderous intent, the two knights with guns thrust their knight spears at Yin Kuang, one on the left and the other on the right. Yin Kuang kicked his feet and retreated directly. Not only did he dodge two knight spears, but he also dodged two ice- and wind-wrapped feather arrows. However, the speed of Guangfeng’s feather arrows was a bit faster than that of the Ice Wind arrows. Although it did not hit Yin Kuang’s vital part, it still caused a few bloody marks on Yin Kuang’s left rib.
Yin Kuang sighed secretly, what he lacked most now was a remote assistant. He tried many times to eliminate the opponent’s four archers, but the four archers were so cunning that they stood in a square with four corners. No matter who Yin Kuang attacked, he would be sniped by the other three archers, and the rest. People’s crazy obstruction made Yin Kuang unable to do anythin