was in a dream. , with both hands firmly grasping the seat on both sides of his thighs. She looked up at Wang Bo, only to see Wang Bo nodding towards her with an encouraging look on his face. Guan Ping took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement that was about to jump out of her chest, and shouted twice softly:

was in a dream. , with both hands firmly grasping the seat on both sides of his thighs. She looked up at Wang Bo, only to see Wang Bo nodding towards her with an encouraging look on his face. Guan Ping took a deep breath, suppressing the excitement that was about to jump out of her chest, and shouted twice softly:


Zeng Fanyu smiled happily, hugged Guan Ping next to her in her arms again, and touched the hair on the back of Guan Ping’s head with her hands. Wang Jichang was also touching the back of his head with his hand, saying “hehehe” with a bad smile on his face. The two men looked at Guan Ping again, and their eyes were different.
Wang Bo banged his empty rice bowl with his chopsticks and said: “Mom, old man, you just said ‘Hey’ and it’s all over? Is it so easy for your goddaughter to accept it? You two still need to take some practical actions to show off.” ! Red envelopes, red envelopes! It’s not too big, the bigger the better, hurry up!”
Under Wang Bo’s instigation, Wang Bo squeezed more than half of his mother’s salary last month, and each of them took out 600 yuan as payment. Daughter’s meeting gift. Guan Ping wanted to live or die, but she couldn’t help but the three members of Wang Bo’s family forced her into her. In the end, I had to accept it with a blushing face.
I am extremely grateful to the Pepsi guy from “Pepsi kl” for the generous reward of 5888 starting coins!
I wish “Pepsi boy” and “Pepsi sister” to spend the full moon in advance because of watching “The Common Man”, and may they achieve good things and win many awards, which will make the old and blind envious!
Why not me? ! Wow, I like red too!
We would like to solemnly thank the two brothers “Winner” and “Dark Light Master” for their generous reward of 1888 starting coins! You two are so polite!
I’m very grateful to Sister Xia, the “beginning of winter and summer”, and Lao Hou, “Washui Hou” for the generous 1,000 starting coins! You two are very interested!
Thanks also to Crazy Whisperer 1, Kuangmo Shenfeng, Diaosi 1 Brother, Lang Yi 007, Tao’s Gone with the Wind, Wang Shunfeng 1987, Nuannuan Xiaoxin, I am a useless person, Might and Magic Wog, Silver General, Red Navy, Crazy Demon Kamikaze, Book Friends 160216223719649, Fish Basking in the Sun 321, Shushan Sect Elder, I told you, Yanyan’s boyfriend, fknight, the little princess arrives, follow the others, Peng Yi, King, Glory , book friend 160201194129066, forgetting my future, following others, killing with a chokehold, panic, historical inertia, the generosity of 28 brothers and sisters!
Thank you to all those who subscribed, votedand voted!
Your support bit by bit is the infinite motivation for the blind man to persevere.
What else, everyone? If so, vote for me! Anyway, if you don’t vote, it will be canceled next month
. Zeng Fanyu held Guan Ping’s hand and walked from stall to stall. Every time she saw a fancy dress that she thought looked good, she had to ask the clothes seller to take it off and give it to her. Try it with