still secretly helping the residents of the community also died. We did not protect her before the evil spirits attacked her.” Shi Xinnuo looked very regretful. expression.

still secretly helping the residents of the community also died. We did not protect her before the evil spirits attacked her.” Shi Xinnuo looked very regretful. expression.
“If you have time, continue to investigate the couple, especially the Celestial Master, about their interests and hobbies during his lifetime, including his eating habits.” Liu Gan turned back and said a few words to Shi Xinnuo.
“Okay, I’ll note it down.” Shi Xinnuo nodded.
“Grandma, I will do everything in my power to help you get through this, but you have to rely mainly on yourself to defeat the evil spirits. The evil spirits will only attack those with weak wills. If your will is strong enough, it will not be able to Invading and occupying your body, I can only give up in the end.” Liu Gan turned around and confessed a few words to the old lady.
“But what should I do?” The old woman still looked helpless. What Liu Gan said about being strong-willed seemed easy to understand, but it was too abstract to do it.
“Do you love your husband? Do you love Ruyan?” Liu Qian asked the old lady.
“I love them, they are everything to me, even more important than my life.” The old woman answered Liu Gan.
“Your love for them is your will to resist the invasion of evil spirits. Remember at all times that once you give up, the evil spirits will kill them with the help of your hands. That is something you absolutely cannot tolerate. So, you No matter how hard and tired you are, you can’t give up. You must fight it to the end. If you want to give up, just think about them, think about your love for them, think back to the happy days when you were together, and then grit your teeth and continue. Keep it up!” Liu Gan explained a few words to the old lady in detail.
/Liu Qian himself has no experience of fighting against evil spirits, but he has had many experiences of fighting against opponents at the soul level, such as the battle with the leader brother, and the battle with the second brother in the Six Brothers and Sisters Incident.
In this kind of confrontation, he every time He felt that his victory was not because he was stronger than the opponent, but because he was more determined and had a strong belief that he could win.
The body is one’s own. Evil spirits are outsiders. If they want to control a person, they must first defeat the person’s soul. If the person is fragile by nature and cannot withstand any setbacks, he will feel a little tired when facing this kind of attack. Just try to retreat, and evil spirits will easily take over this body.
/Just like the son in the fire, he originally suffered from schizophrenia and had extremely poor self-control. He was chosen by the evil spirit to become the first target of attack.
The woman who was bitten to death by a lion must have been pampered by her parents and men on weekdays. She was self-righteous and princess-like. She was clueless after an incident and was chosen by the evil spirit to become the second target of attack.
The boy from a single-parent family must have been extremely do