ous methods to investigate, it is to find the Yiguo civilization, conquer them by force, and then interrogate the supreme leader of the Yiguo civilization.

ous methods to investigate, it is to find the Yiguo civilization, conquer them by force, and then interrogate the supreme leader of the Yiguo civilization.
Speaking of which, Liu Qian’s greatest interest in the Yiguo civilization is actually the secret inside the Fearless. Now his strength is much higher than that of the Yiguo civilization. In the more than a hundred years since the two civilizations have not fought another war, , Liu Qian’s fleet has reached more than 50 million ships, 10 million of which are equipped with new armor weapons and space engines, which is definitely a crushing advantage against the Yiguo civilization.
In the following decades, Liu Gan installed a space shield and a new planetary engine on the Y4 planet. He also obtained the technology of intermediate space cannon and intermediate space armor from Yaba.
/“Unless you give me the complete third-stage technology tree, I will not crash Y4 into Q4.” Liu Gan knew Yaba’s trap, and of course he would not really do what it said and let the huge The space tumor merges into the big universe.
There is no doubt an extremely powerful being inside. A little finger can crush Liu Gan to death. Once such a powerful being comes out of the trapped cage, there will be two results. One is to enslave Liu Gan, and the other is to enslave Liu Gan. It was to kill Liu Qian, and of course neither of these two results was what Liu Qian wanted.
“Little guy, you broke your promise, and you did it again and again. Do you know? You angered me!” Yaba’s voice was full of anger.
“You never told me the truth from the beginning. You lied to me about what kind of galaxy life you were, what kind of games you were playing with me, and you set up a trap for me to fall into. Now you say that I didn’t keep my word? Are you ashamed of yourself?” Liu Qian After replying to Yaba a few words, anyway, now he has extorted everything he can, and Yaba won’t give it away even if there are too many, so let’s just break up.
“I told you the truth because I was afraid that you wouldn’t understand, so I used a more tactful method to play games with you, and you got a very generous reward for it. Why do you mean I’m setting you up as a trap? Drill?” Yaba was obviously not convinced by Liu Gan’s statement.
“I don’t understand? Do you think I’m a three-year-old? Stop talking nonsense! If you’re really sincere, tell me the truth. Tell me who you are and why you let me do those things. Don’t fool me by masturbating. You can fool a child.” Liu Qian said in a disdainful tone, and asked his fleet to form a formation with the middle finger raised in space.
“Do you want to know who I am? Look towards the stars. You have 0.000001 seconds to see my true face.” Yaba spoke again after a long silence.
“Okay, I’m watching.” Liu Qian looked in the direction of the star. With the powerful detection capability of the shuttle-shaped detection ship, 0.000.01 second was enough for him to see Yaba’s image clearly.
According to Liu Gan’s estimation, Yaba cannot appear in the Yaba galaxy because it