lluminated red by the street lights.” Xu Jing inserted the second candle and continued to answer her son Dongdong’s questions casually. The four-year-old child was in the middle of a hundred thousand whys. At this stage, there are endless questions.

lluminated red by the street lights.” Xu Jing inserted the second candle and continued to answer her son Dongdong’s questions casually. The four-year-old child was in the middle of a hundred thousand whys. At this stage, there are endless questions.
“It’s raining so hard, can daddy come back?” Dongdong stretched out her little hand, trying to clean the window so that she could see clearly what was going on outside, and see if daddy had appeared at the gate of the community as usual. But red raindrops were dripping on the outside of the glass window, and it would definitely have no effect if he reached out and wiped it inside.
“The rain will light up sometimes, and he will come back when the rain lightens up.” The young mother inserted the third candle and then picked up the last candle.
/At this moment, there was a rush of footsteps outside the door, and then the sound of a key unlocking the door. Xu Jing put down the last candle and looked towards the door. At the same time, four-year-old Dongdong had already rushed towards the door.
The door opened, and the mother and son looked at Li Zhuoliang coming back outside, and they both let out a shrill scream.
His body and face were covered in blood, and he looked like a bloody man.
“Don’t worry! It’s not blood on me, it’s rainwater.” Li Zhuoliang put down the toy box in his hand, quickly took off his clothes and pants and threw them outside the door, then closed the door and rushed toward the bathroom.
Xu Jing walked to the window and looked at the windowpane that had been dyed red. Her eyes widened and she couldn’t recover for a while.
A few minutes later, Li Zhuoliang took a shower and walked out of the bathroom. The blood on his body had been washed away, and he put on clean clothes before walking back to the hall.
“What happened? Why is the rain outside red?” Xu Jing threw herself into Li Zhuoliang’s arms in fear and asked him.
“I don’t know. Turn on the TV. There will definitely be reports on the TV.” Li Zhuoliang pushed his wife to the sofa, picked up the remote control and turned on the TV.
“Citizens please don’t panic. Relevant departments have started to identify the components of red rainwater, and the results will be out soon.”
“According to my preliminary judgment, all this may be related to the massive growth of red algae in seawater in recent years. , the components of these red algae evaporated into the clouds and then fell with the rain, forming this blood rain phenomenon.” An expert-looking man on the TV was sitting on the sofa and talking to the host.
“Let me tell you? It’ll be okay. Let’s not delay Dongdong’s birthday dinner.” Li Zhuoliang patted his wife Xu Jing on the shoulder, and then walked to the dining table.
“Courage! Change to helium suspension mode!” Dongdong ran over and opened the toy box by himself, took out the airship inside and started playing with it, while entertaining himself by learning the lines from the TV series.
“Dongdong, how can you open the gift by yourself? Birthday gifts can only be opened after