ster’s feet. He found it interesting when he first came here, but he got tired of staying in the village for so long, especially after Jigglypuff saw the wild silverback gorillas passing by kill a puppy raised by the villagers. I feel this place is dangerous.

ster’s feet. He found it interesting when he first came here, but he got tired of staying in the village for so long, especially after Jigglypuff saw the wild silverback gorillas passing by kill a puppy raised by the villagers. I feel this place is dangerous.
Secretary Dawson was packing up Gloria and Felicina’s daily necessities, while Olivia was helping them clean their previously soiled shoes. Han Xuan suddenly remembered something, and Secretary Dawson said: “Vice President Manga, how was your chat with you? I remember I was very happy when I left. I should have got a donation quota, right?” ”
That’s right. After I asked the charity foundation for their opinion, I agreed to donate 300 primary schools. , can help about 80,000 students obtain education. I am very worried that I will not be able to recruit that many students. After all, the population base is too small. Do you think there is a problem?”
Secretary Dawson said to him that the population in Africa is generally scattered, so There is no need for a large school, and the investment in each snow mountain primary school is also smaller. Compared with China, the cost of building a thousand primary schools is about ten times more.
/“It’s okay, I’m just asking casually. This number is enough.” Han Xuan replied: “Gabon’s poverty rate is still too high. The fact that it can be regarded as the country with the highest human development index south of the Sahara Desert shows that we still have to do more A lot. France once colonized here and provided a lot of infrastructure. The education rate of the population is also higher than other regions. In addition, the geographical location is close to the Atlantic Ocean and the mineral and timber resources are relatively rich. Various conditions have made Gabon a pretty good country. But it is still very backward, yes only compared to other countries south of the Sahara Desert. This makes me can’t help but feel that maybe the idea of ????changing the status quo of this continent may be difficult to achieve.”
This is the truth, Han Xuan is alone The power is limited, and it can only help a small number of people. Tens of billions of dollars invested in Africa are just a sound. To say how big a change there is, in fact, there is not.
/After coming to Africa, I deeply realized the trouble caused by getting twice the result with half the effort. If so much money is invested in Central America and Asia, which have relatively good overall conditions, it will definitely bring more help.
This trip was great. He does not plan to reduce aid to Africa, but he will not increase it significantly in the short term. At least until some countries are stabilized, he does not plan to throw money into the water.
It is true that Han Xuan is rich, but it is not money brought by strong winds. In a relatively stable country like Gabon, a proper helping hand will have a good effect. He nodded and approved the decision to donate to the school, which will affect thousands of people. The fate of tens of thousands of people.
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