ted in the shared consciousness. Lu Xialeng, Leng Huaping, Tang Rouyu and others all responded and rushed to support. At this time, Yin Kuang had already locked the location of Red Scorpion. In this magic circle, there is nothing hidden that can escape the perception of Yin Kuang and Li Shuangmu. The two of them didn’t stop for a moment, and rushed over in a flash. They immediately caught Red Scorpion in the middle and launched a violent attack.

ted in the shared consciousness. Lu Xialeng, Leng Huaping, Tang Rouyu and others all responded and rushed to support. At this time, Yin Kuang had already locked the location of Red Scorpion. In this magic circle, there is nothing hidden that can escape the perception of Yin Kuang and Li Shuangmu. The two of them didn’t stop for a moment, and rushed over in a flash. They immediately caught Red Scorpion in the middle and launched a violent attack.
Even though the red scorpion was powerful, he was a little unable to resist at this moment. Surrounded by two sharp sword nets, it didn’t take a moment to lose.
But one person did not obey the order. That is Qi Xiaoyun. At this moment, she had turned into a half-fox, with eight bloody fox tails twisting crazily on her hips. Sharp canine teeth were exposed from the lips, and his eyes were filled with the flames of revenge. When Yin Kuang let out a “Dragon’s Breath” and was forced to retreat by Li Shuangmu’s impermeable sword power, Qi Xiaoyun appeared behind Red Scorpion like lightning, grabbing a pair of fox claws shrouded in dark red smoke. The red scorpion’s shoulder, and then he opened his mouth and bit it!
/It actually bit the red scorpion’s neck firmly, and with a “squeak” sound, a piece of flesh was torn off.
Red Scorpion let out a scream of anger and pain, and the crazily twisting scorpion tail hook stabbed the back of Qi Xiaoyun’s head.
It’s too late, it’s quick! Seeing that the scorpion tail poison hook was about to stab Qi Xiaoyun in the back of the head, Yin Kuang extended his sword, and a small purple dragon as thick as a bowl flew out of the green steel sword, bit the scorpion tail hook, and It’s knocked open. The red scorpion can only decisively cut off the scorpion tail to get rid of the pain of burning soul. Qi Xiaoyun took another bite. “Bitch!” Red Scorpion roared angrily. He grabbed Qi Xiaoyun’s hair and pulled it forward as hard as he could. Most of Qi Xiaoyun’s scalp was torn off, and blood was pouring out. It was terrible to see. At the same time, he was thrown away.
But at this time, Li Shuangmu’s long sword also stabbed in front of Red Scorpion. She had been interfered by Yin Kuang and Qi Xiaoyun before, and the scattered demonic energy could not be condensed in time due to the influence of the formation. So how could she have the time and ability to deal with it at this time? There was only a “pop” sound, and the long sword shining with red-gold flames pierced the red scorpion’s chest.
Three points into the meat!
Li Shuangmu initially aimed at the heart, but after all, the red scorpion was not a wooden stake to be beaten. He twisted his body slightly the moment before the stabbing, and thus avoided the fatal spot. However, the sword that struck her chest was enough to bear. The sword energy like a sharp sword penetrated directly into Red Scorpion’s body through the long sword, causing wanton destruction.
A mouthful of blood vomited out from Red Scorpion’s small mouth.
How could Yin Kuang let go of such a good opportu